Home Life 6 Tips to Enjoy Your Deck in the Winter

6 Tips to Enjoy Your Deck in the Winter


Winter is here, and as always the temperatures are going to be well below zero. You may think that you said goodbye to hanging out on your beautiful deck a few months ago. This doesn’t have to be the case at all. With a few simple additions to your outdoor space, you will be able to enjoy it all year round. Here’s how you do it.

1. Add some protection from the elements

You want to make sure that you have some sort of overhead coverage. This will protect you from rain and snow, and also help to keep the heat in. Of course, this needs to be temporary, or at least retractable.

After all, in the summer you want to be able to enjoy the sun beating down on you as you work on your tan. For now, though the addition of a temporary cover will allow you to spend even the coldest night enjoying your beautiful deck.

2. Plant some trees

The snow is one thing to worry about, but it’s the wind that gets you. Planting some coniferous trees will allow you some protection from the wind chill. This is what can really make it uncomfortable to be outside.

Not only will this act as a barrier to the wind they will also look great. Trees can take an ordinary looking garden and turn it into something truly spectacular. They may even add to the value of your house as well.

3. Turn up the heat

You have a lot of options here. You will be able to choose from freestanding gas heaters to fireplaces. These can be a wonderful addition to your deck. They magically transform what would be a frozen wasteland into something that you can really enjoy in the winter.

From romantic evenings with your significant other to storytelling fun with the whole family, a fireplace is a very entertaining place to be. Make sure to check the propane levels before you invite people over. The last thing that you want is to run out when you have company over and have to head inside prematurely.

4. Get the right seating

You need to think about this carefully. You don’t want to have to buy two sets of outdoor furniture. You should find something that is suited for both the winter and the summer. If you’re making your patio winter-friendly, you’ll want to make sure you invest in furniture that can withstand winter elements as well. If you really wanted to treat yourself you could look into heated cushions. This is a great way to fully enjoy the winter.

5. Accessorize

This is where you need to get your designer hat on. If you think that your outdoor space is missing something then you need to go shopping. In the summer, of course, there are fresh flowers and other things to look at. You will need to invest in some winter accessories to make your deck look great all year round. The simple addition of blankets can make anyone just that little bit more comfortable when they’re outside on the deck.

6. Get some lights

This is another area where you can be creative. With the sun going down a lot earlier than usual. There is some great opportunity to get out there and make some really good choices when it comes to lighting. You can opt for something as simple as Christmas tree lights (it is best to choose a white light colour). Another option is to install some more elaborate lighting. Whatever you choose make sure to make the most of it. The lighting can really set the mood on your outdoor winterized deck.