The diploma of a higher education institution gives more profits and possibilities, although sometimes it’s easier to get hired and earn well with a secondary education. While in the past some of the “not so good” students used to attend some crafting training sessions, while some others were the ones who got to enroll the prestigious schools and faculties, and thus quickly got the job, the situation on the labor market today is completely different. Higher education is available to almost everyone, and every year we become richer for more than a thousand of new economists, managers, and lawyers, who, unfortunately, fail to find work in their profession. Contrary to them, many people with secondary education who, immediately after completing their school, began to improve their acquired knowledge and skills now have quite decent salaries with constant work engagement. Today, there are a lot of professions that are very well paid, and you do not need a university degree or higher education in order to be successful in performing them. Those jobs include online teaching, tutoring, babysitting, call centers, and many others. The only thing you need is the basic knowledge you acquired in high school, which is further enriched and perfected through continuous and dedicated work. In the list below, find out about some of the best jobs you can do without a university degree.
- Cook
Professional chefs make very good profits, and chefs in hotels and good restaurants earn very good salaries. Of course, the better the hotel or restaurant is, the higher their earnings are. In addition, chefs can also be engaged in numerous private celebrations where they can generate additional income, the amount of which will depend on individual arrangements with the organizer of the celebration.

- Bookkeeper
The bookkeepers can always find a well-paid job if they have any experience in this area. A huge number of bookkeepers are very successful in doing their job even though they have not completed an accounting course at the Faculty of Economics. Most of them start working after finishing secondary school, and many also come to work after completing a course for accountants.

- Manicure
If you are a social network user, you have probably noticed the expansion of profiles and pages created to promote the work of many manicures in the last few years. The demand for manicures grows year after year, and many of them who work this job for years earn high profits. You don’t need a degree, just a good training or practice.

- Personal trainer
A personal trainer is a very demanding occupation today, and it is not necessary to complete a college or university in order to become one. If you are practicing sports for many years or have experience in this, there are numerous training courses where you can obtain a certificate for a personal trainer. The great success in this business is achieved by former athletes who have a lot of experience behind themselves, but who also built their name, and are famous for their success.

- Masseur/masseuse
To become a masseur or masseuse, although desirable, a high school physiotherapist diploma is not required. Today, you have a number of training sessions for this profession, and therefore there are many opportunities for employment, starting from a private salon, through work in wellness and spa centers, employment in a sports club, gym or fitness centers.