Home Life 6 Tricks to Get a Greener Lawn

6 Tricks to Get a Greener Lawn


If your lawn could do with a little bit of a facelift, then there is really nothing stopping you from getting started right now. Grass wants to grow in soil, that’s why it is everywhere. In order to get a perfect crop of bright green grass that is the envy of all of your neighbours, it will take some lawncare work as well as a lot of passionate devotion.

1. Start by aerating your lawn

Why is this important? The soil in your yard will probably see the most activity, especially if you have pets or children. Over time, this foot traffic caused the soil to become compacted and this causes problems for the grass. When the soil is compacted, air cannot circulate as it needs to and water will not drain well. It can also hinder the movement of earthworms, which are really beneficial to a healthy lawn.

Lawn aeration is really very easy to do. All you need to do is to put lots of little holes into the soil of your yard. These only need to be about 2-3 inches deep to get the job done. You can purchase a hand aerating tool to get the job done in no time if you have a small enough lawn. If you have a large lawn, don’t worry, there are some other methods to aerate a large space.

2. Keep an eye on how often you water your lawn

You don’t want to be watering your lawn too often. You should only have your sprinkler system on for a few minutes at a time. By watering less often you will be allowing your grass to grow deeper roots. This will make them much stronger and healthier and get you closer to that bright green colour that you’re looking for.

3. Fertilize your lawn

When it comes to fertilizing your lawn you should make sure that you are using natural lawn fertilizers. Natural fertilizers are much better for your grass and for your family and pets. Synthetic fertilizers contain lots of chemicals which can be harmful, whereas natural fertilizers are exactly what your lawn needs to grow.

4. Let your grass clippings fall onto the grass

This is a process called grasscycling. The great thing about this tip is that it makes cutting the grass easier than collecting the clippings. How does this help your grass? The grass clippings will quickly decompose and provide your soil with a lot of essential nutrients that are vital for the growth of your lawn.

This method of lawn care will save you a lot of time when you’re cutting the grass and also reduce the amount of fertilizer that you need to put onto your lawn.

5. Don’t cut your grass too short or too long

To get a good idea about the height at which you should set your lawnmower you should make a point of checking out what species of grass that you have and how tall it should be when you cut it. Another great tip when it comes to cutting your grass is to use a reel mower. This will cut the grass cleanly as opposed to rotary mowers that tear at the grass.

6. Build up a supply of compost

Composting the waste you have from your kitchen is an inexpensive way to improve the health of your soil. It is also very environmentally conscious as you will be reducing the waste that you send off to landfill. This means that it’s not just your grass that is going green, but you are too.