Home Life 7 Simple Tips to Help You Start Moving

7 Simple Tips to Help You Start Moving


Moving is exciting but if you’re not careful you’ll find yourself quickly overwhelmed. You have to be aware of the many different parts that come together to create a successful move. Some are so important you can’t afford to ignore them.

Getting a head start on your move ensures you don’t miss these steps and makes for a less stressful move. Use the following seven tips to your advantage while you’re getting ready for a move!

1. Start By Getting Organized

Moving is always going to be disastrous if you don’t take the time to get organized. Organization is the difference between an efficient move and a hectic one. Getting organized ahead of time helps both you and the movers make the most out of your moving budget. Start planning as far as ahead as possible. Use checklists and your calendar to keep track of deadlines and problems such as moving a large item.

2. Communicate With Your Moving Company To Explain The Nuances Of Your Situation

Letting the movers know the details of your home is another way you can make the process easier on everyone. Explaining what you need and your expectations before moving day will help eliminate mistakes from occurring. Give your movers all the minor details and let them know ahead of time of any overweight items. If you’re leave a building with no elevator or some other obstacle, you need to plan how to overcome it with the movers.

3. Use Moving As An Opportunity To Purge Stuff You Don’t Need

Chances are you’re going to come across a bunch of stuff you forgot you even had while you’re moving. Leaving one place just to mess up another doesn’t make any sense, so get rid of all the extra stuff you can. You can host a garage sale or donate your extra items to Goodwill. Don’t bring stuff like piles of newspapers, magazines and old documents into your new home.

4. Build An Inventory While Packing

Having an inventory is a great tool in case something goes wrong. If something does go missing during the move, you often don’t realize it until weeks after. Having an inventory allows you to perform a quick check to see if all your items made it. You can assign a box number to each item on your list and remember to label your boxes appropriately.

5. Switch Your Utilities Ahead Of Time

Getting the utility company to turn on power and water to your home seems like an obvious step, but it’s one that can slip through the cracks. Call to have your utilities switched as soon as you have a closing date. Switching over your service is especially important if you’re moving into a new home or one that was previously vacant.

6. Buy Supplies To Make Labeling Easy

Labeling is extremely important for staying organized. Cheap labels are going to fall off or get smudged during the move. Visible labeling makes unpacking a much simpler task since you don’t have to guess what’s in each box. Mach sure you label all sides of the box except the top. This will make your items easy to find.

7. Ask The Movers To Bring Wardrobe Boxes

Wardrobe boxes will make moving your clothes a lot less troublesome to move. If you ask the movers ahead of time, they’ll bring several wardrobe boxes to move your clothes. Wardrobe boxes allow you to transport your clothes while keeping them on their hangers. This saves you a full day of ironing and a few hours of unpacking.