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How to Get More Views on YouTube


If you’ve been wondering how to get more views on YouTube, you’ve come to the right place. These nine tips will help you ensure your videos get noticed and watched by more people who will find them interesting.

1. Define your ideal audience and create videos for them

It’s impossible to make videos that everyone on YouTube will love. Instead, think about who your ideal audience is, and focus on making videos you think will be relevant to them.

Then, work on building relationships with your viewers. Reply to their comments, and ask them for feedback and suggestions. Next time you make a video, kindly ask your viewers to comment with their thoughts and to subscribe to your channel if they enjoy your content.

2. Find the right keywords and use them

YouTube is a search engine, so if you want more YouTube views, you need to optimize your videos with the right keywords so they can rank high in search results.

Pretend you are someone searching for the type of videos you have on your channel. Which words would you enter in YouTube’s search bar? You can even give it a try to see the search results.

The words you used are keywords you should optimize your videos with. One way to do this is to add keywords and variations to each video’s tags.

3. Make sure each of your videos has a perfect title and description

Your keywords should also be a part of your video title. But don’t just use keywords as your title, as it wouldn’t catch the eye of potential viewers.

A great title should have between 60 and 70 characters, contain at least one keyword, spark curiosity and make people want to watch the video.

Your video description should also feature relevant keywords and let people and the YouTube algorithm know about this video.

4. Design appealing custom thumbnails for your videos

A YouTube thumbnail maker will help you create your custom video thumbnails. Each thumbnail should represent the video you create it for, it should look unique and catch the eye of potential viewers, and any words you write in it should be easy to read.

Also, think of using colours that will stand out from those used by YouTube. If your thumbnail is all white, red and black, it will blend in and not get noticed.

And if it doesn’t get noticed, it won’t get watched.

5. Make the most of metadata so your videos get recommended

To get more views on Youtube, you need to make sure your videos get recommended to viewers who have just watched a video with similar or relevant content.

How can you achieve this? Use tags, video titles, and video descriptions similar to the ones your competitors use in their most popular videos. YouTube’s algorithm will then see that your video should be relevant to viewers and recommend it to them.

6. Transcribe your videos to make them appealing to more viewers

If your videos don’t have captions, you should transcribe them. This makes your videos more appealing to hearing-impaired viewers or people who watch YouTube with the sound off.

Plus, captions can be translated so you can reach people worldwide, and they help Google understand what your video is about so it can rank higher in search results.

7. Take advantage of end screens

End screens are valuable tools that can encourage viewers to subscribe to your channel or visit your website. To make the most of them, you should use end screens to recommend your other videos to your audience.

When someone makes it to the end of one of your most popular videos, they can watch another on the same topic, which will help you get more views.

8. Create playlists with your videos

Creating playlists is another way to encourage viewers to watch your other videos. Don’t feature someone else’s videos in this playlist unless you want your viewers to leave your channel.

Don’t forget to optimize each playlist you create by giving them great titles that include relevant keywords.

9. Don’t share your videos on social media

Finally, don’t share your YouTube videos on your social media pages to get more views. Why? Because social media platforms don’t want people to leave and go to another platform.

So if you share one of your YouTube videos on Facebook, for example, the Facebook algorithm will make sure most of your followers won’t see it.

Instead, upload only a small clip of your video directly on Facebook. Facebook will be more interested in showing this clip to your viewers, and you can simply add the link to your full YouTube video in the comments.

This is how you can get your social media followers to watch your YouTube videos for more views!